Sunday, 2 August 2009

Yikes another post!

Look at this, two posts in one day!  Don't get your hopes up it's an oldie.  This is a sketch done at the same time as the Moonscape one and then scanned in.  I love the quality of scanned pencil sketches. I suppose it is because on screen they are bigger than the actual drawing, it is like blowing the sketch up on a photocopier and zooming in on all the pencil marks.

I was going to start inking this tonight but as I am actually falling asleep at the computer I may give it a miss.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

How long has it been?

Well it's been a long time since my last post.  As usual I singularly failed to maintain my blog and my new post everyday regime.  Perhaps that was a tad unrealistic!  Well here we are in 2009, or at least half way through and here is my first post of the year. I think I started this drawing some time last year and left it half inked.  Unable to think of anything better to do last night, drawing wise that is, I decided to have another stab at it.  I think it came out OK, bit of a mixture of inking styles and I'm not sure I'm happy with the moon surface our intrepid astobabe is walking on, but at least it looks finished.  This started as a pencil sketch, which was scanned in and then completed in Painter.  The sketch was pretty loose, but had a bit of energy to it.  I still find it hard to draw straight into Painter using the tablet, I don't really feel in control.  Must practice!